Monday, March 5, 2012

Lessons Learned and all that other craft: Part I

Lesson 1: Good looking pictures are hard work!

Last night I spent lots of hours taking pictures.  I bought a nifty light box setup and realized, I just don't have enough light.  Period.  Surprisingly, I also learned that the pictures looked a whole lot better on the computer than on the camera.  Good to know.  Here's a few....


Lesson 2: Ruffles are easy to apply to a circle skirt that is not yet seamed all the way up the back.

I spent hours cursing about putting ruffles on my can-can skirt. Even now, I only have 4 rows completed. The realization struck me at work, sewing flat would have been a bazillion times easier! Next time I have to do lots of ruffles, I will not finish the seam and sew flat.

There's so much to learn and I know I'll have more.  Here's the first two though!  Stay tuned as I learn.